Environmental monitoring and Analytics

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Set of environmental tasks is intended to automate the processing and analysis of data received as a result of monitoring measurements of environmental indicators in points of observation or sampling. For rapid assessment, analysis and forecast of the development of the observed indicator of environmental monitoring, technologies for cartographic presentation of data that are linked to the space and time of observation are used.

To perform a set of environmental tasks, a vector or raster map onto the works region is required, acting as a background.


A set of environmental tasks is implemented in the form of a dynamically loaded library.

To call a task, select the menu item Tools > Run applications, then in the list of applications select the topic Environmental monitoring and Analytics > Environmental monitoring and Analytics.


A set of environmental tasks provides solutions of special problems for processing the results of monitoring measurements and their analysis in an automated mode, including:

visualization of the scheme of location of observation points for indicators of the physical field (phenomena, events, etc.) against the background of topographical and thematic information;

processing of measurements at observation points in order to filter and eliminate errors and noise;

obtaining derived values by indicators that were measured in observation points for further analysis by methods of mathematical statistics;

construction by indicators measured in observation points and obtained as a result of processing matrices, the territorial distribution of the indicator by interpolation methods;

automated formation of time series of matrices of monitoring indicators;

construction of isoline maps by matrices;

automated formation of time series of isoline maps;

performing arithmetic and statistical operations with time series of matrices in order to obtain estimation and forecast matrices;

execution of spatial queries with matrices in order to select zones with certain characteristics;

contouring the results of zoning (construction of areas);

automated formation of time series of areas;

construction by the monitoring's indicators of graphs of indicator's changes over time;

joint display of time series of matrices, isoline maps, maps of areas and graphs using retrospective analysis and data animation tools;

automated formation of images of maps, matrices and graphs for the preparation of reports and presentations;

automated formation of reports and analytical certificates.