Description of the main program window

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The main window «Passport of the field» opens over the open map. In the upper part of the window there is a control panel with modes of the Complex (1). Below it - the list of field passports containing the main field parameters from the database (2). At the bottom of the window there is a status bar (3).


The main window of the «Passport of the field» software after starting the program:



The control panel contains buttons that include the following modes of the complex:

ic_0409,ic_0410 - Show details current record/List. Controls the data displaying mode.

ic_0411 - Field filter. Specifies the conditions for selecting records into the list.

ic_0412 - Filter by selected objects.

ic_0413 - Editing records of field's passport.

ic_0414 - Back up.

ic_0415 - Add a record.

ic_0416 - Add record with a copy.

ic_0417 - Delete the record.

ici_018 - Data updating.

ic_0419 - Link information about a field his image on the map.

ic_0420 - Remove link information a field his image on the map.

ic_0422 - For the field in the list find the object map.

ic_0421 - For an object maps to find information about a field.

ic_0423 - Select on the map the fields from the list.

ic_8039 - Tasks. List of performed tasks:

              ic_1070 - Formation the field name.

              ic_1071 -   Update semantics on the map\of the database.

            - Collecting field measurements:

            - Export to offline map;

            - Import from offline map;

- Creating field passports for selected objects on the map.

              ic_1072 - Update area for documents and for maps.

              ic_1073  - Automatic creation of passports fields.

              ic_1074 - Automatic linking of field passports with objects on the map.

              ic_1075 - Update the value of the planned crop in the reference.

              ic_1076 - The address classifier:

            - Cities;

            - Streets;

           - Address point;

           - Integrated delete an address.

              ic_1077 - Calculation of annual doses of fertilizers:

-         On passport field;

-         For precision agriculture.

- Export to offline map.

              ic_7880 - Cadastral registration:

           - Land plots.

           - Import data. Xml files (exchange with 1C);

           - Export data. Xml files (exchange with 1C).

ic_0171 - Satellite monitoring:

           - Download vegetation index matrixes for object;

           - Bulk download vegetation index matrixes for objects;

           - Download vegetation indexes time series for object (NDVI);

           - Viewing matrixes;

           - Browse vegetation indexes time series for object.


ic_8627 - References and classifiers.

ici_013 - Reports:

           - Passport of the field;

           - Card field;

           - Report of agronomist;

           - Structure of arable land;

           - Gross collection from crop;

           - Crop yields on the farm;

           - Sowing the seeds;

           - Plant protection means;

           - Meliorator;

           - Fertilizers;

           - Structure of sown areas grouped by crop;

           - Planned structure of sown areas;

           - Doses of fertilizers.

ic_8055 - Options setting:

           - Maintain user list and permissions to resources;

           - Setting-up the path to templates for reports, change of the current organisation, setting-up the path to the data folders of Satellite monitoring;

           - Mode «Minimize the dialogue in the search object».

ic_0167 - Help: Calling help; Information about the program; Database Information.

- Crop year. Since the data of the fields passports are rigidly tied to the year of a crop, you must always pay attention to the specified year.

- Operates the mode of observation of linked objects on the map. If the button is enabled, then when moving through the  records of the list of fields passports, a related object is selected on the map.


The status line contains information about the number of the current record, the date of the last correction of the record and who edited the record.


Description of elements of the program status bar:
