Export to map of entering

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Export to offline mapThe mode "Export to offline map" is intended for loading of nitrogen demand maps into the onboard computer for a current working area. Dialog is called from «Passport of field» from the «Tasks» menu.

Maps of nitrogen demand are loaded in the mode of satellite monitoring the "Obtaining nitrogen demand maps". The loaded maps are stored on the local computer or on the GIS Server. Maps are exported to a task file for the onboard computer. The following types of on-board computers are supported: Trimble, Amazone, Raven, AgLeader, JohnDeere, Topcon, Other.


 Dialog «Export to offline map»:


In dialog it is necessary to fill the fields:

Type of a map of entering - the value is selected from the list;

Type of onboard computer - the value is selected from the list;

Select record in the list of maps of entering which will be exported.


To export, click the «Execute» button. In the standard file save dialog, specify the location for unloading the map.