Dialog |
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The dialog window consists of several parts: 1. Files location and names of necessary files (source raster, target raster, file of parameters of transformation, catalog of theoretical coordinates of control points, elevation matrix); 2. Obligatory parameters of a photo (number of a photo; type of a photo; focus length, admission for rejection of points) and additional parameters; 3. Information about control points (number of points participating in calculation of EEO, number of labels on a photo, control keys for a choice of a support); 4. Choice of output area of a raster (to transform all raster or only its part) and the information about volumes of source and target rasters. 5. Control keys.
Processing of the raster image should be constructed as follows: 1. Choose a source raster (from the list of open rasters or it is possible to open a new raster - a key is placed near to window of entering of a source raster's name). 2. Choose a name of a target raster (the transformed raster can be written down into the current directory, but the name must be the other one - a key is placed near to window of entering of a target raster's name). The folder, in which there will be a target raster, will be considered as the working folder (created files will be stored in it - a file of transformation parameters, a text file and the user map of actual coordinates of a support). 3. Choose a name of an existing file of parameters of transformation or to set a new name - a key is placed near to window of entering of a filename. (At a choice of an existing file of parameters the information from it automatically will be deduced into a window of dialog). 4. Choose (or to change, if it is necessary) the catalog of theoretical coordinates of support - a key is placed near to window of entering of a name. 5. Choose a matrix of heights (if it is) - a key is placed near to window of entering of a name for matrix of heights. 6. Specify parameters for the chosen photo (number of a photo, type, focus length, admission for rejection). At presence of additional (non-obligatory) parameters (coordinate of the main point, height of photographing, distortion, displacement, the central cross) you must specify them. 7. Choose from the total number the necessary control points for their subsequent measurement - Select points button. Choice of control points. 8. Choose number of labels and to specify them on a photo - Measure labels button. 9. Specify actual position of the chosen reference points on a raster - Measure points button. Measurement of control points. 10. Specify area of transformation of a raster. (It is possible to transform by elements of external orientation all raster entirely (by default), or only its part. It is possible to choose area of transformation of a raster by " a rubber contour ", having pressed Choose area button. If it is necessary to transform all raster it is necessary to choose All raster).
Having filled all necessary parameters and having chosen control points, it is possible to begin directly process of the raster image's processing - Ok button. The condition of process of map processing is displayed in a running line (progress-bar).
In pop-up menu opened by the right mouse button in a mode of choice of points it is possible to choose commands: - Commit operation - to finish a choice of points and to begin transformation; - Undo operation - to refuse transformation and to exit the application. Besides, some actions are connected to pressing of the keyboard keys: - Enter - to remember position of a control point; - Backspace - to cancel the last point - the point can be specified anew; - Z - to skip a point; - Space - to finish a choice of points - it is possible to interrupt a choice of points (with saving of the specified points) and to return into dialog.