Pretile preparation of OpenStreetMap data |
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Pretile preparation of OpenStreetMap data task is intended for creation of maps of titles according to OpenStreetMap data before their publication on Web service. The necessity of using this procedure is due to the fact that the OpenStreetMap data does not contain objects titles. Therefore for creation of a high-grade map it is necessary to add titles of objects under the names containing in their semantics. Program of stream loading the OpenStreetMap data has the function of creation of titles, but position of titles in this task is defined only for the base scale specified in the map passport. When displaying the created titles in other scales, there is possible the crossing of titles and the signature offset relative to the object to be subscribed. Thus, position of titles should be defined for each scale in which the map can be displayed. At publishing data on Web service the list of scales is limited by standard values. This task implements the creation of titles for a scale series in accordance with the standard of OGC GoogleMapsCompatible. The initial data for the task is the multisheet map created from sxf of files loaded using the Program of stream loading the OpenStreetMap data For creation of a multisheet map it is necessary to use the osm.rsc classifier, supplied together with the Program of stream loading the OpenStreetMap data. When loading OpenStreetMap data, it is recommended that you turn off the titles creation mode to avoid their duplication. The target data of the task the Program of stream loading the OpenStreetMap data is a set of maps of titles for the scales chosen by the user. The task of Program of stream loading the OpenStreetMap data is called through the menu Tools- Run applications. After a call it is necessary to customize parameters of creating a map of titles: - select the folder for placing the created maps of titles (by default it coincides with a folder in which the OpenStreetMap map is located); - select the objects to be signed; - choose scales for which maps of titles are created. Creating maps of titles is carried out by pressing the Run button. After the processing termination, the created maps of titles together with the main OpenStreetMap map need to be added into the list of data published by Web service. |