Searching objects by name

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ic_8021 Search by name dialog box is used for search of objects by value of the characteristic for concrete semantics.

To set the semantics name by which the search will be carried out, it is necessary to click the Setting... button. To set other semantics it is necessary to choose from the offered list of semantics of character type a concrete value and to press the button Choice or double-click on chosen semantics.

Choice of semantics can be done or by a name (then in the edited box it is necessary to set a concrete name of semantics. For example, the Road number or Road*), or by number (code) of semantics (in this case in the edited box it is necessary to specify concrete number of semantics).

To set concrete value of chosen semantics by which object search will be carried out, it is necessary to make active the Name window of dialog Search by name and to type in the edited line a concrete value (for example "Moscow") or to choose from already filled list the required value.

In edited fields (Name and Searching semantics) it is possible to enter a line not completely. Symbol "?" indicates that on this place any character is allowed. The symbol "*" denotes that any combination of letters and numbers further can follow. For example:

- instead of the name "Moscow" it is possible to enter "mos*" or "mo*" or "Mo? *" and so on;  

- instead of value "167" it is possible to enter "16*" or "1*";

- instead of the name "Lancaster" it is possible to enter "Lanc*" or "L?n*".


Upon terminating a session of system the Panorama 11 the entered values of semantic characteristics are saved and restored at the next startup.