Use of 'hot' keys at work with the list |
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CTRL+C - copying of contents of a current cell into the buffer. For correct copying the Russian text it is necessary, that a current language of the keyboard was Russian. CTRL + [key to the left] - transition to the first column in line. CTRL + [key to the right] - transition to the last column in line. Ctrl+F - a call of the form of search in a current column. Press the combinations of keys Ctrl+F to begin the search, the form of search becomes active. Type symbols in a sample field, specify conditions of search and press the button «Find further». For the filtering the records of dataset use the special line (under heading), where the user can enter the text into cells. Or to press the small black triangles located in the right part of a special line, for reception of the list of the possible text for search. The text of expression in a cell of the filter should have a following format: [Operator1] Operand1 [(] [AND|OR Operator2 Operand2 [)] ] Where OperatorX - one of [ = | <> | != | > | < | >= | <= | ~ | !~ | in ( ] OperandX - number, date, line expression, or, for the operator ' IN ', - the list of the values divided by commas. For example: *1* *>=1* *>1 AND <=5* *~ TestStr%* *!~ TestStr_* *in (1,2,3,4,5,6) and >100* *in (Str1,Str2,Str3)*
When the cursor is in a cell of a filtration, the user should press ENTER for application of the filter. !!! Attention. For correct work of a mode of a filtration the condition of the filter must be enclosed in a symbols * (*text of filter*). This condition is necessary to carry out in cases when in the text of the filter there are punctuation marks, the brackets, special symbols. Horizontal and vertical scrolling allow to look the information of the list. The width of a column of the list is installed by a dragging of a divider between headings at prompting and pressing on it of the cursor . If on the right the divider is not visible, it is necessary to bring the cursor to a vertical bar of scrolling. |