Link of map objects with record of data table |
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The correlation setting between the map object and selected record of the current table is implemented to associate the information about the terrain object stored in external (in relation to GIS Map2005 Version 11) tables of databases and inner patterns of GIS Map2005 Version 11. The link with map object is installed by saving in the table the unique data about the map object such as its number and sheet name on which one it is arranged. The link of the table and map can be of the following types: - internal link type (the link parameters are saved in special fields of the tables having a predetermined name and structure); - external link type (the link parameters are saved in the automatically created external file). - absence of link with a map (for the tables which one should not have link). - link by semantics (setup of the link by value of the semantic object characteristic and by value of the table field). At addition of the tables into the DB Project it is automatically offered to customize the link parameters by default. The following values are perceived as default parameters: - link type - internal - link fields - LINKSHEET - for a sheet name, LINKOBJECT - for an object numbers. - in case of absence of the link fields they are added automatically. During operations with the DB Project the link parameters can be reassigned. For this purpose it is necessary to click Map link button in Tables bookmark. It is recommended to set default link parameters. Such link type is most reliable. It will be used in all applied tasks of GIS Map2000. For example at operation execution of thematic mapping it is not necessary to do search of objects of a map any more, if the internal link type with default names of fields (LINKSHEET and LINKOBJECT) was set. Link type is selected from the dialogue of the link parameters setting. The following order of setting must be: - set the necessary link type in the menu; - customize link parameters; - save changes. For internal link type following parameters are set: - Field name for storage of a map sheet name. The field should be the character one of length not less than 24. By default the field name is LINKSHEET. - Field name for storage of map object number in the sheet limits. The field should be a numerical one, permitting to write the type - lengthy integer. For the Paradox tables it must be "I" type, for the DBase tables it must be " N 10.0" type. By default the field name is LINKOBJECT. - Flag of automatic addition of fields in case of their absence. - Flag of checking of link's duplicating. - Flag letting to set link if the table is filtered. For external link type following parameters are set: - Filename for data storage about link. The filename can be defined by default by pressing Default names button. In this case the filename of the link parameters will be formed by addition of the table name to a map name and with the ".DBI" extension in \BASE subdirectory of the directory where the file of map passport is located, to which one (to the map) the given table is open. At moving the data table or the map onto other carrier do not forget to copy and link file. Losing of it will cause destruction of all links of map and table. For each combination "map - table" a separate link file forms. - Link field name. Table field which contains unique values is indicated. - Link type: "one for one" or " many to many". - Flag of checking of link's duplicating. - Flag letting to set link if the table is filtered. For link by semantics following parameters are set: - Name of the open map. Link by semantics is set with the specified map. For example, in a mode "Show records for selected objects" the table will be filtered only for a map specified in parameters. - Semantics name - unique name of the semantic characteristic from the map classifier. By values of given semantics the link will be set. - Name of the table field, the values of which one should coincide with values of the object semantics at the moment of link setup. The type of the given field can be numeric or character. If link is set by a character field, then the first 63 characters are taking into account. - Flag of permission onto editing of the table. If the editing is forbidden, and the given field does not contain values, the link is not made. - Parameters of map object (additional limitations onto type of map object): - any (without limitations); - object (link can be set only with the map object of a given type); - layer (link can be set only with objects of a selected layer with the indicated localization). If link type Object or Layer is set, the key value of map object and its type is selected else. The limitations onto the type of map object are used for unambiguous linking of table records and objects. For example, it is required to set the link by the semantic characteristic Own name, which one matters Moscow. The given value can belong to several objects on a map (city, river). For concrete choice of the object it is necessary to indicate the key value of the object (for example, Rivers invariable (L0031410003)) and type (line). The key value is selected with help of Map object selection dialog. First of all to use: - at the moment of link setup value of semantics from the table field. If value of the semantic object characteristic does not coincide with value of a field, then it is substituted by value from the table. - at the moment of link setup value of semantics. If value of the semantic object characteristic does not coincide with value of the table field, then the value in the table is substituted (provided that editing the table is allowed). External link type allows organize link of one table with several maps and also of one record with several map objects. Internal link type allows organize link of the table only with one map in One record - One object mode. The execution of operations on link setup of table record with map object is implemented with usage of controlling buttons in User form (UF) or in Standard form (SF), by pressing the command button Form query for object, located on the main panel. For execution of these operations there is a special set of controlling buttons in User form and in Standard form: - Link - to link the current record with the selected map object; - Find object - to find the map object which one is linked to current table record; - Find record - to find record in the current table which one is linked to the selected map object; - Select - to select map objects which one are linked with accessible at the given moment records from the current data table; - Cancel - to cancel plural selection of map objects. To link the current record with selected map object it is necessary to press Link button on the main panel of SF or UF. The mode is considered as active till the appropriate button is in a pressed position. After choice of the mode Link record and map object it is necessary to do following: - move the pointer of current record onto the necessary record of the table; - select the map object. Find the map object for current record. The search of the map object appropriate to current record of the table is implemented provided that this record was earlier linked with the map object. If the object will be found it will appear in a map browsing window and will be selected. Find record for the selected object. For search of record linked with the map object it is necessary: - select map object; - press Find record button.
In case of when User form is not created, for more exact search of information on object of a map you must fill Link parameters for search of the table: - Table is linked with a map (it is installed by default) - Table is linked with a map layer. If the object is not linked with a map then after activation of a mode Form query for object becomes more active the special form in which record is automatically added, with the filled values of number of map object and a name of a map sheet. The user has an opportunity to make changes into this record, to save or cancel this operation. If parameters of link have not been installed or in the project there are no the tables linked with given object, the first table of the list is displayed. For vertical level-by-level moving on objects of a map the buttons Next and Back are intended. |