Creation of linear and area objects from a file *.TOB |
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Name of a textual file in format TOB group is intended for a choice of one or several loaded files. If one file is chosen its full name is displayed. At a choice of several files the full path to the catalogue is displayed. Current map section is intended for a choice of a vector or user map on which the objects will be created. The edited (current) map can be chosen from the list of the open maps. By default the map specified in Editor bookmark of dialogue "Parameters of the project for a geodesy and land surveying documentation" is established as a current map. Object type element is intended for a choice of a conventional symbol from the classifier of an edited map and the specifying of type of created object. By default the linear and polygon objects specified in Editor bookmark of dialogue "Parameters of the project for a geodesy and land surveying documentation" are specified. Saving of information in appropriate semantics group is intended for entering a file name, date and time of creation of object, and also a surname of the executor into semantics of created object, specified by the user. The file name and a surname of the executor can be placed into any chosen semantics of character type. Semantics with TIME type is necessary for entering time, and date is saved into semantics with DATE type. At presence at a conventional symbol of listed semantics the program automatically distributes semantics under corresponding characteristics. If the saving the additional information is not required, choose in each list of semantics a line "Not installed". Format of performance of coordinates section is intended for display of coordinates of the first point from a current file. If necessary, it is possible to specify in view of a sign the size of displacement for coordinates. At creation of object the amendment is brought in coordinates onto size of the specified displacement. Protocol element allows to keep the minutes of creations of objects. The text file with a name FromTOB.log is created in the catalogue of initial files TOB. Protocol button is intended for viewing the filled protocol in text editor WordPad. The button becomes active after an execution of procedure of objects creation from files TOB at the switched on mode Protocol .