Map legend |
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Map legend includes the information on the classifier of a map, matrix of heights, matrix of layers and matrix of qualities. Data about objects are presented in the form of a tree with depth of a nesting of objects according to their codes in the classifier, in the form of a table with images of objects and in the form of the list presented in the form of a tree with one level of hierarchy - by layers. The tree of the classifier allows to view and edit the digital classifier, dynamically to operate contents of objects displayed on a map, to choose type of object for plotting it, to do search of the specified type of objects on a map, to mark on a map the specified type of objects. To plot object, it is necessary to activate a line with the name of object, to set a mode of creation in the Object creation mode panel and to place the mouse cursor in a map window. For search or mark of objects on a map it is necessary to mark a line with the name of object and to press the corresponding button Search of objects in a tree and in the table is possible to make in dialog Search of objects in the classifier, which is called by the button Pop-up menu is activated by pressing of the right mouse button at a placing of the cursor above the legend window. If in the tree the line with the object name is marked, in the menu there will be View of object item by which it is possible to set mode of displaying of object on a map (to show or not), and Search on a map and Mark on a map menu items will be accessible. At activation of a line with the name of a layer it is possible to change visibility of a layer, having pressed on the View of a layer menu item. Visible objects on a map in a tree of the classifier are outlined by the blue framework, invisible - by the gray framework. You can also change visibility having pressed Space key. Edit classifier menu item is carried out also depending on the specified line. At editing the classifier (Classifier editing) the bookmark corresponding to a marked line of a tree (editing of layers or editing of objects) will be installed. It is possible to change contents of the classifier tree window. For this purpose it is necessary to choose a corresponding line of the item menu Filter, or to use the mode Model edit The window can contain: - all objects of the classifier; - the objects which are available on a map; - only viewed objects; - selected objects; - the objects which are available on a map with the common classifier. This mode allows to change visibility of layers and objects for all open maps with the common classifier. At a choice of this mode there is an automatic synchronization of visibility of layers and objects, that is, if on one map the layer is invisible, while on another the visibility of this layer is installed, visibility of this layer will be included on both maps. In a tree of matrixes all types of matrixes are displayed consistently. At first - matrixes of heights, matrixes of layers and then - matrixes of qualities. By pressing of the right mouse button at placing of the cursor above a window of a legend the pop-up menu for work with a tree of matrixes becomes active. In a matrix of heights it is possible to change color of displaying, in a matrix of layers - color of a layer and its name, in a matrix of qualities - color of a range. In the list of rasters all types of rasters are displayed consistently. For work with raster maps (and also with rasters of qualities, with rasters of a visibility), which are a part of electronic map (document), it is necessary to make active a pop-up menu by pressing of the right mouse button over the list of rasters (Rasters bookmark). For convenience it is possible to process not only one raster map, but also several, by a plural choice (Hold down the keys Shift or Ctrl). For work with the user vector maps which are a part of electronic map (document), it is necessary to make active a pop-up menu by pressing of the right mouse button over the list of maps (Map bookmark). Properties of a vector map. For convenience it is possible to process not only one map, but also several, by a plural choice (Hold down the keys Shift or Ctrl). Modes will be accessible to processing several maps only: - visibility; - over a map; - scale range; - edit; - select object. For work with matrix maps (matrixes of heights, qualities, layers), which are a part of electronic map (document), it is necessary to make active a pop-up menu by pressing of the right mouse button over the list of matrixes (Matrixes bookmark).
Model bookmark is intended for displaying and editing parameters of TIN-models, the MTD-models which are a part of a digital map (document). Here it is possible to add model into the document, to remove it from the document (not to confuse with "Delete the file"), to view parameters of the model, to operate displaying the model. The Add button is used to add into the document the TIN-model (* .TIN) or MTD-model (* .MTD). The group choice of added files is implemented. At specifying the name of a nonexistent file the dialog of creation of appropriate model is loaded. The Closing of model button is used to remove the document from the current model. By the right mouse button the pop-up menu is activated with the list of modes which allow to change characteristics of the model: - Visibility; The mode is intended for selecting the type of displaying the model. For Tin-models the Normal type can be set for displaying all surface entirely. If the visibility Schematic is set then only edges of triangles are displayed. For Mtd-model the list of type of visibility is the following - fill, deep, translucent, middle, transparent, none. - Over Map; The mode is intended for change of queue of models displaying. After using this mode the current model is displayed over the main map of the document. - Scale range; The mode is intended to set the borders of visibility of model. Totality of the lower and upper borders of a range of visibility's scales at which the model will be visible, makes range of model's visibility. - Go to; The mode is intended for fast movement in area to a southwest corner of the current model. After using this mode the southwest corner of the model is displayed in the center of a visible part of the document (in the screen center). - Brightness/contrast; The mode is intended for changing the values of brightness and contrast of a map. - Projection parameters; Setting parameters of projection. - Parameters of the model; It is intended for viewing the main parameters of model - the scale, the size of model, a planned location, count of vertexes of model (or number of points), the minimum and maximum value of height. - metadata; The menu item for display and preservation of models metadata into an XML file. - Delete the file; The mode is intended for deleting the map files from the computer's hard drive. |