Search by lists of objects


On the Search bookmark of a dialog window Lists of objects there is carried out search of objects from the List 2 by the List 1. Kinds of search:

1. Find crossing objects.

2. Find objects located at the specified distance.

3. Search of objects of the List 2 that begin in objects of the List 1. From the list 1 only linear and polygon objects are selected.


4. Search of objects of the List 2 that are ended in objects of the List 1. From the list 1 only linear and polygon objects are selected.

It is necessary to choose a mode of search 1-4, to press the button Find for search or Select for selection of the found objects.


Before performing the search of crossed objects (item 1) it is necessary to choose type of crossing:  

1. Crossing - presence of crossing the metrics of objects of lists;

2. Inside - presence of crossing or location of objects inside of contours (only for the closed objects).  

3. Whole inside - presence of objects entirely located inside the contours (only for the closed objects).

4. Whole outside - presence of objects entirely located outside contours (only for the closed objects).

For an execution of

For performing the search for objects of lists by distance (item 2) it is necessary to set in corresponding elements of management the value of distance, unit of its measurement and a condition of search (>, <, =, etc.).