Linking objects into group by semantics |
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The mode becomes active after marking objects on a map. Those marked objects are considered which contain semantics with a code 9 - own name of object and the titles with similar texts. As a result of coincidence of names texts and titles the link of objects by means of service codes of semantics will be organized: -into the object which is distinct from type "title" and "mixed", semantics with SEMOBJECTTOTEXT code is added - the reference to the title from object; -into object of "title" type - SEMOBJECTFROMTEXT - the reference to the object from the title is added.
The unique key of object serves as value of added semantics. Dialogue of consecutive search used in the task allows to regulate process of participation of the chosen objects in creation of group. If some objects, having identical own names, pretend to the link with the title, the nearest by an arrangement on a map will be chosen.