View Tab |
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In the View tab, you can adjust the visual parameters of the cartogram being created. The contents of this tab depend on the selected type of cartogram. The type of cartogram is selected by clicking the corresponding button.
When creating a color cartogram, the following color palette controls are available: — Color cartogram type (gradient, mosaic) — Number of basic colors used in building the gradient color cartogram, as well as the gradient's basic color bar. You can change a corresponding color by clicking it in the bar. The allowable number of basic colors used is one less than the number of gradations, but no more than seven. — Tools for adjusting color palette brightness (decrease, increase) — Recolor button. For gradient palettes, clicking this button resets the palette to its initial state (clears brightness changes). For mosaic palettes, it generates a new random palette.
The View tab contains two graphic bars: a color distribution bar (showing the distribution of colors from the selected palette according to the entered ranges) and a value distribution bar (histogram). The value histogram shows the distribution of processed objects (quantity) across the established value ranges (the more objects correspond to a value range, the longer the line).
The View bar contains range control tools: Each row of the Interval Table contains in its first column a graphic representation corresponding to the interval, depending on the selected cartogram type and current value range parameters.
For color cartograms, you can change the color corresponding to a specific interval by clicking on the color to be changed. For hatched and dot cartograms, the representation depends on general and current parameter settings.
General parameters (applying to all ranges) include Outline (presence and color), Background (presence and color), Color (of grid or dots), and Scalability. Current element parameters include Interval (between hatching lines and dots), Thickness (of hatching lines and dots), and Hatching Type.
The From..., To... and Text columns are editable, allowing input of minimum and maximum values for each interval and text that will label the corresponding legend element.
Gradations determines the number of value intervals, legend elements, and allowable number of basic colors for gradient fills. Minimum sets the minimum value of the first range. Interval sets the size of the value range. Maximum is calculated based on the entered minimum value, number of gradations, and interval value. It is not editable.
Minimum and maximum values in value ranges, as well as numeric value labels on cartograms and legends, are displayed with the number of decimal places corresponding to the value set in the Precision field.