File of transformation parameters |
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File of transformation parameters is created (or is changed) at each starting of Transformation of photo task. Extension of a file - *.psn, by default a name of a file coincides with a name of source raster, but can vary by the user. At a choice of an existing file of parameters the information from it automatically will be deduced into a window of dialog, and if necessary any of parameters can be changed (except of files with actual coordinates of a support *.fct and *.sit; they are created and updated automatically, and names of files are derivatives from the name of a source raster).
The file of parameters has the following structure: .PSN NUMBER XXX FOCUS F TYPE J MET M LIMIT D HEIGHT H MAINPOINT X Y SHIFT S CROSS C DISTORTION DD DST STR1 CAT STR2 FCT STR3 SIT STR 4 POINTS n N1 P1 …. Nm Pm .END where .PSN - a label of file, NUMBER XXX - information about number of a photo (XXX - an integer), FOCUS F - a focal length (F - in millimeters), TYPE J - type of a photo (J=0 an aerial photo, J=1 central photo, J=2 panoramic photo, J=3 slot photo), MET M - the information about labels on a photo (an obligatory field). Labels serve for a turn of a photo and a finding of position of the coordinate origin in system of a photo. If M =1 two labels are specified, and the coordinate origin of a photo is a midpoint between labels. If M=4 four labels are specified, and the coordinate origin of a photo is a crossing of the straight lines which are taking place through 1-3 and 2-4 labels. The direction from the first label to the second one should coincide with a direction of movement of object onto which the camera is established. LIMIT D - admission for rejection of control points (D - in meters), HEIGHT H - height of photographing point (H - in kilometers) - non-obligatory parameter, by default H=0, MAINPOINT X Y - coordinates of the main point (in millimeters) - non-obligatory parameter, by default X=0, Y=0, SHIFT S - displacement CROSS C - presence of the central label (cross) (С=0 - there is no cross, С=1 - is present) - the non-obligatory parameter, is used at measurement of labels of photos of the central projection and aerial photos DISTORTION DD - distortion of an objective - non-obligatory parameter, is used only for the central photos (by default - zero, at presence is chosen of a text file *.dst). DST STR1 - full name of a text file of distortion (with a way to a file), CAT STR2 - full name of the catalog of theoretical coordinates of a support (with a way to a file), FCT STR3 - full name of a text file of actual coordinates of a support, SIT STR 4 - full name of the user map of actual position of control points on a raster POINTS n - total number of the points chosen for transformation of a photo (control points and labels), N1 - Nm - numbers of control points of a photo, P1 - Pm - an attribute of a point (0 - basic, 1 - rejected, 2 - common), .END - end of file.
Example: .PSN NUMBER 3175 FOCUS 3000.000000 TYPE 1 MET 2 LIMIT 30.0 HEIGHT 0.000 MAINPOINT 0.000 0.000 SHIFT 0 CROSS 0 DISTORTION 0 DST CAT D:\Data\Fototran\3175.CAT FCT D:\Data\Fototran\3175.rsw.fct SIT D:\Data\Fototran\3175.rsw.sit POINTS 11 93 0 94 0 99 1 168 0 169 0 170 2 186 0 192 2 220 0 .END