Mode of stream saving map images into graphic files

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Before start of dialog Save map in a file of formats BMP, TIFF, RSW it is necessary to mark objects of a map (linear closed or polygon) by which dimensions the saving of the map image is supposed. Onto each selected object the file of the specified format will be created.

To enable the mode of stream processing, in Area group choose in the drop-down list the line By selected. The drop-down list is available at presence on a map of the selected objects.

The rules for naming the created file, parameters for kernel message output, transaction log management, as well as the list of processed source rasters and their display order are set in the dialog Choice of a mode of creation of a file name. Dialog becomes active by a click on the Setup button. The button is available and visible only at presence on a map of the selected objects and the enabled mode of stream processing.

Put a tick in No border element if the chosen object should not be in the formed image. No border element is available when there are selected objects on the map and the stream processing mode is enabled.