Filtering of one-color raster map

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ic_0301 The mode is intended for clearing one-color raster from noises.

Input data:

The given mode is applicable to the one-color rasters (1 bit onto pixel).

Output data:

Filtration of one-color raster map mode creates a new file of the raster image. The new raster is adding into document. All its parameters are similar to parameters of the initial raster. Filename of the output raster is forming from an initial name with suffixing of characters «_filter» to a filename.

Description of the dialog «Filtration of one-color raster map».

Ok button starts process of raster filtration.

Exit button closes the dialog «Filtration of one-color raster map» or interrupts a  process of raster filtration.

Way of activation of Filtration of one-color raster map mode:

In Raster Editor (Tools \ Raster Editor) to set as current the processed raster with the help of modes: Select current raster, Select next raster , Select previous raster.

Further you must open Work with the raster subpanel by pressing the like button on the Raster Editor panel and select Filtration of one-color raster map button.