Vertical alignment

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The mode is intended for overlapping the segment derivated by two points, indicated on a raster, with a vertical line. The overlapping of a segment with a vertical line is reached by turn the raster image.

Vertical alignment mode expects from the user execution the following operations:

- select the first point of a raster (beginning of a segment);

- select the second point of a raster (ending of a segment).


It is possible to select a raster point by taking coordinates from a map object. For this purpose the context menu includes the «Take vertex» and «Take line» items.

At successful completion of turn the copy of the initial raster is saved with the same name, but  with the extension *. ~ sw or *. ~ st.

Methods of activation the mode Vertical alignment:

1. It is necessary to select an edited raster from the dialog Raster List (View \ Raster List) . Then to press the Properties button and in the appeared menu to select the item Place raster by 2 points / Vertical alignment.

2. It is necessary set current an edited raster from Raster Editor (Tools \ Raster Editor)  by the modes Select raster, Select next raster, Select previous raster. Further to open the auxiliary panel Work with raster by pressing the so name button on the Raster Editor panel and to select Vertical alignment of raster button.