Printing is not executed

Print Top page


Possible reason

Way of error's elimination

The used printing device is not connected (on-line) to an electric network, or to the system block of your or network computer, or there is no paper in the printer.


Check up connection of the device to an electric network, to the system block of your or network computer. Put paper into the device. Print trial page.

The used driver does not correspond to the device connected to the system block of your or network computer, or the printer driver is installed incorrectly.


Install (reinstall) the printing device driver (Start \ Seting \ Printers \ Add Printer. Print trial page.

The used device is not submitted in the network at the operation with the network printer.


Check up access allocation to the printer for computers of the network (on the computer to which the printer is connected directly - Start \ Setting \ Printers \  File \ Access \ Shared resource). Print trial page.

There is error at data transfer to the printer, joined to the computer through the distributing block or electronic key (it is especially actual at printing on the network).


Try to delete this block or key. At impossibility of loading the vector and raster data in the system without an electronic key load the data and create the printing file with a key, delete the key and send the file to printer by DOS command: PRINT FILENAME.PRN /b LPT1:        


There is error at data transfer to the printer, joined to the computer through a long interconnect  cable.


Try to substitute an interconnect cable. The interconnect cable length should not exceed 2 meters.

Insufficient waiting intervals (15sec / 45sec).


Increase values for waiting intervals (Start \ Settings \ Printers \  File \ Properties \ Details \ Timeout Setting).

If the document contains a composite graphics or uses at once many fonts, then the shortage of memory may be the reason of an error.


Way of elimination of error «out-of-memory».

Printing delay from the program for the MS DOS (at printing file output by the command PRINT).

Take of flag DOS printing tasks queue (Start \ Setting \ Printers \  File \ Properties \ Details \ Port Setting). Sometimes printing starts only after the MS DOS program will be closed.