Group of modes Title

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ic_8325 Group of modes Title unites modes of processing of curvilinear titles (creating polylabel and the editing of its metric description), and also a mode of editing of the title text.

Title modes group includes modes:

ic_8326 - Edit text of title;

med_multilabel- Auto-wrap signature lines;

ic_8327 - Create polylabel;

ic_8328 - Move polylabel;

ic_8329 - Line title creation by the text from semantics of object;

ic_8330 - Title creation of object by the text from semantics of object (free contour);

ic_8331 - Create the object title on the text from semantics of object (smoothing spline);

ic_8332 - Insert of the title in a line;

ic_8333 - Cut off of linear object on dimensions of the title;

ic_8334 - Editing of selected title;

ic_8335 - Alignment of selected title;

ic_8336 - Add title text from metrics into semantics;

ic_8337 - To set register for the text of selected labels;

coordinate_label_2 - Creating a coordinate label

5408 - Copy of title text.