Choice of a mode of forming a name of a graphic file at stream saving the map image by sizes of selected initial rasters |
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Dialog is intended for a choosing a mode of creation of a name of a graphic file at stream saving the map image by sizes of selected initial rasters. In the dialog box, you specify conditions for saving fragments of a map into graphic files. Fragments of saved image of a map are defined automatically by sizes of noted initial rasters of the document. The choice of rasters for definition of fragments of the saved map image is carried out in the list "List of rasters …". How many rasters the operator will choose in the list "List rasters …", so many files will be generated at saving the image of a map. Modes of creation of a file name: - Number under the order. - By raster name.
The file name is formed of a prefix (set of characters) and number in order. It is possible to specify initial number in the appropriate edited field.
The name of a created file is formed of the file name of a raster map. Any change of options influences creation of a file name which as an example is displayed in line the Example of creation of a file name.To enable the output of messages of a kernel it is necessary to put the tick for Output of the messages. The kernel can signal about an error of a file creation, a file recording error etc. For the analysis of a correctness of files formation the log of transactions can be used. For its creation you must put the tick of Filling of a magazine SaveMap.log. SaveMap.log text file it is necessary to search in the catalog with formed graphic files.
Display source raster only. This element is intended to disable the display of all rasters except for the current one, from which the dimensions are requested, in the "Stream saving of map image by raster dimensions" mode of the "Save map to graphic format file" dialog. |