Create TIN-model

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You can call dialog of creating TIN-model by following ways:

- by means of New\TIN-model item of File menu;

- at addition of a nonexistent file by means of Add \TIN-model item of File menu;

- at addition of a nonexistent file in the Data list of map dialog.

Creating TIN-model is carried out according to a map and all user maps added to it. TIN-model of a surface is built according to data of the source vector map containing control points, structural lines and the areas of filling with constant value. At building TIN-model the map objects with the «absolute height» semantic characteristic and objects with three-dimensional metrics are used.

The TIN-model can be formed onto region or onto the part of area specified in region.


Dialog view:




For creating TIN-model onto region it is necessary to use AllRegion mode in Area group.

For creating TIN-model onto the specified rectangular part of area it is necessary to press Select button in Area group and to choose a part of area on a map by two pressing of the left mouse button. For change of borders of area of output - press Change button and execute change by mouse. The termination of a changing mode is double click of the left mouse button.