Lowering the chromaticity of the raster image |
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The initial data: The given mode is applicable to the rasters with a 16 and 256 color items in a palette. The target data: The color separation mode creates a new raster image file with 2 or 16 color item in the palette. The new raster is added into the document. All its parameters are similar to parameters of an initial raster, except the element size and amount of colors. The target raster file name is formed from the initial name with addition the symbols _1 to the file name.
The description of Raster color conversion dialogue.
Raster formation bookmark contains: - The filename of a formed raster (is edited directly in a filename field or by means of standard dialogue Saving, which may be actuated by pressing … button); - Size of element mode (for installation the element size and accordingly amounts of color items in the formed raster palette; the 4 bit element size corresponds to the 16 color item palette, and the 1 bit element size - to 2 color item palette); - The formed raster palette (at the initial moment the palette is filled by colors of the standard vector map palette; the change a palette color is carried out by the right mouse button click on appropriate the palette item); - Select color from raster mode (it is used at a choice of substituted colors on the raster image).
Initial raster bookmark contains: - The initial raster filename (is not edited); - The initial raster palette (it is possible to collect some colors which will be substituted on allocated in a palette of a formed raster color); - Reset button (cancels allocation(selection) the colors of the initial raster palette, appropriate to one chosen color in a palette of a formed raster or allocates (selects) all accessible colors of the initial raster palette); - Apply button (redraws the raster image without the chosen colors of the initial raster palette).
Preliminary view bookmark contains: - A window with the formed raster image (the image of a formed raster is absent prior to the beginning of linkage the color of a formed raster palette with replaced (substituted) colors of an initial palette); - + and - buttons (change view scale of the formed raster in a window of preliminary viewing); - Select button (allows to choose on the raster image a fragment for its display in a window of preliminary viewing).
Clear button allows to reset Raster color conversion dialogue into an initial state - all earlier chosen colors of an initial palette are reset, the palette of a target raster is replaced by a standard map palette. Execute button starts the raster converting process. Cancel button closes Raster color conversion dialogue or interrupts the raster converting process. Replacement the color of he formed raster palette. For replacement the palette color choose the appropriate palette item and click the right mouse button. In appeared standard dialogue the color choice specify the necessary color and press OK button. Transformation (Conversion) the initial raster palette to the formed raster palette. For formation the target raster image it is necessary to set the correspondence table for the initial raster palette colors and their substituted (replaced) target raster palette colors. It is possible to fill the correspondence table by two described below ways or using their combination.
Formation the target raster palette by the dialogue Raster color conversion: - Choose the formed raster palette item (the chosen color is marked by a white framework). - Specify the initial raster palette items, substituted by the chosen formed raster palette item (the collected (typed) colors of an initial raster are crossad). - Choose the following formed raster palette item (the initial raster colors chosen in conformity to the other formed raster palette items are not displayed; in the initial raster palette the non-choosen colors and the colors appropriate to the current formed raster palette item (the last are crossed)) are displayed. Apply button allows to display a raster map with usage of the non-choosen initial palette colors. - Converting a raster starts (begins) after pressing Execute button.
Formation the target raster palette by (with) the raster image usage: - Change the size of Raster color conversion dialogue or arrange it so that the current raster image became seen (visible). - Choose a formed raster palette item in a bookmark Raster formation of Raster color conversion dialogue (the chosen color is marked by a white framework). - Specify on the raster image those colors which will be substituted (replaced) by the chosen formed raster palette item (the specified colors are not used at display of the raster image). For a choice of substituted (replaced) colors on a raster take advantage of modes: - Choice the color on a raster by a point (it is carried out (fulfilled) by the left mouse button click on substituted (replaced) color on the raster image); - Choice the colors on a raster area (it is carried out (fulfilled) at definition of rectangular area on the raster image, including substituted (replaced) colors). - Take advantage of View bookmark for acquaintance with the formed raster image. - The raster converting starts after pressing Execute button.
After completion the converting process Raster color conversion dialogue is closed, the new raster is added into the document (all its parameters are similar to parameters of the initial raster, except for the size of an element and amount of colors). Methods of activation the mode Raster color conversion: 1. It is necessary to select the initial raster from Raster List dialogue (View \ Raster List) . Then to press Properties button and in the appeared menu to select Separate colors item. 2. It is necessary set current the initial raster from Raster Editor (Tools \ Raster Editor) by the modes Select raster, Select next raster, Select previous raster. Further to open the auxiliary panel Work with raster by pressing the so name button on the Raster Editor panel and to select Separate colors of raster button.