Extract the border of a raster by marked objects of a vector map |
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The mode is intended to set a border of a raster by the contour formed by marked closed objects of a vector map. It is preliminarily necessary to mark objects on a map. For displaying all the image of a raster use the Show entirely mode. At repeated installation of a raster's border the old border is deleted. Modes to activate the mode Extract a border of raster by marked objects of a vector map: 1. On a map it is necessary to mark the polygon or linear closed objects by means of one of modes: Search and mark, Mark for image, Mark by frame. 2. In the dialog Data list of rasters (View \ Rasters list) choose a raster to install a border. Then click the Properties button and in the appeared menu choose item Extract... Map object. 3. In the Raster Editor (Tools\Raster Editor) specify as current raster the processed raster by means of modes Select raster, Select next raster, Select previous raster. Further, open the auxiliary panel «Work with a raster» by pressing the same button on the panel Raster Editor and choose the button Extract portion by map object