Cutting linear objects for maps printing |
When preparing the map for publication, in order to increase the readability of the map, linear objects (roads, objects of a mathematical basis, design lines) are cut according to the dimensions of the labels. Processing parameters are contained in the file c:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\NAME.process:
<labelcutting name="Сutting linear objects for maps printing" nameru="Обрезка линейных объектов для печати карт"> <set name="Сutting linear objects for maps printing" nameru="Обрезка линейных объектов" crossdistance="0.2"> <analyzed> <index>1,6</index> </analyzed> <excluded noprocessed="1"> <key>L00101,L0000000104,L0000000105,L0000000106,L0000000107,L0000000110</key> </excluded> <condition> <index>1,equal,9</index> </condition> </set> </labelcutting>
Description of parameters:
NAME - the name of the script parameters file corresponds to the name of the classifier file.