Cutting of additional isolines |
In order to ensure the correct placement of bergstrokes relative to additional isolines (in the center of isolines' hachures), additional isolines are cut at the points of junction of the bergstrichs. In this case, the cut adjacent contours of the isoline always begin and end with hachures, and the bergstrichs is placed between them - in the center of the total hachures of the isoline created by the beginning and end of adjacent adjoining contours. Auxiliary isolines are processed similarly. Parameters of processing are contained in the file c: :\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\NAME.preprint.process:
<bordercutting name="Cutting of contours" nameru="Разрезание контуров"> <set name="Cutting of additional isolines" nameru="Разрезание дополнительных горизонталей" crossdistance="0.0" distance="0.3" radius="0.2"> <analyzed> <excode>23100000,23110000</excode> </analyzed> <processed> <excode>21300000,21400000</excode> </processed> </set> </bordercutting>
Description of parameters:
NAME - the name of the script parameters file corresponds to the name of the classifier file.