Choice and installation of model

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Dialog Choice and installation of model allows to execute viewing and formation of models for the installed map.

Name of a map is specified in a window Maps list. The list of models contains the list of the models generated for a specified map.

In the top string of the list of models the name of the chosen model is specified. The structure of the layers and objects, installed in given model, is shown in the tables of the same name.


Dialog allows:

— to look over the contents of any model from the list of models by its choice in the list;

— to edit the contents of the chosen model;

— to delete the chosen model;

— to add new model.


To edit the chosen model, it is necessary to set structure of map layers, types of objects (localizations), kinds of objects and to press a key Save.  


To add model, it is necessary:

1. To set structure of map layers, types of objects (localizations), kinds of objects;

2. To enter into a field of a model's name a new name (distinct from names in the list of models);

3. To press a key Append.


If the switch Show all objects of classifier is switched on, then in the list of layers, types of objects (localizations), kinds of objects the all layers, types of objects (localization), the kinds of objects defined in the classifier of a map are displayed.

If the switch Show all objects of classifier is switched off, then in the list of layers, types of objects (localizations), kinds of objects the layers, types of objects (localization), the kinds of objects which are really present on a map are displayed.