Calculation of unidentified heights of linear hydrographic object

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21817The Calculation of unidentified heights of linear hydrographic object is designed to calculate unknown heights and correct the slope of the linear hydrographic feature using linear interpolation method.


Between points with established heights, heights will be calculated using linear interpolation. Before the first point or after the last point with an established height, heights will be taken from the first and last points with established heights respectively.


After filling in the unknown heights, a check will be performed and, if necessary, the slope of the feature will be corrected. When correcting the slope, on segments where heights do not decrease, heights are recalculated using linear interpolation to smoothly decrease heights throughout the entire feature from the first point to the last.




Filling in the unknown heights


Sequence of actions


The mode is activated by pressing the corresponding button and stops working when the button is pressed again. When the mode is activated, it is necessary to select by double-clicking the left mouse button a linear object with unknown heights. The heights of this object will be calculated and, if necessary, the slope will be corrected. While the mode is active, any number of objects can be processed.