Formation of the XML-document on the establishment of Boundaries

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clip0319 The mode is intended for formation of the document reproducing the information on an establishment or change of bounds between subjects of the Russian Federation, borders of municipal unions, bounds of settlements (scheme BoundToGKN _v03.xsd).

The name of XML-file of the document should have the following view:

BoundToGKN _ *.xml (for example, BoundToGKN _589D2D56-06BA-4bb1-83D5-7815DF0042A1.xml), where

BoundToGKN - prefix denoting a file with information of the document;

* - the unique set of characters corresponding to the GUID.


The generated document should be included into the ZIP package. One document corresponds to one package.

The package name should have the following view:

BoundToGKN_*.zip, where

BoundToGKN - prefix denoting a file with information of the document;

* - unique set of characters corresponding to the GUID, specified in an XML-file of the document.

The package contains XML-file of the document and one or several XML-files of maps-plans, and also PDF-files of images of attached documents.

XML-files of maps-plans should be created by means of the mode clip0320 Forming XML-document of a map (plan) of object land.The XML-file of a map-plan for each zone is specified by pressing the button «Map (plan)».

Generating the XML-document is made in accordance with the XML-scheme BoundToGKN_v03.xsd placed in the folder Geodesy.XSD. Presence of these data for program functioning is obligatory, so as in the specified folders the required classifiers and reference manuals are contained.

The recommended operations procedure:

- To fill the positions of the screen form on pages "Documents", "Declarant" and "Bounds".

- To form the XML-document (clip0321 button "Formation of the XML-document").

- To form an electronic digital signature (the button clip0322 "Formation of the electronic digital signature") for all files of the electronic document (XML and PDF). All files should be located in one folder with the XML-document on an establishing the Boundaries.

- To form the Package of the information for sending to the state cadastre of real estate (the button clip0323 "Formation of the ZIP-package").




On page Documents it is required to specify requisites of the XML-document reproducing the required information for inclusion into the state cadastre of real estate that is passed to the cadastral authority and to generate lists of attached documents. To write down lists of attached documents, it is necessary to press the button and to fill the dialog. The obligatory attributes describing the document are: code, number, date of issue of the document, the organization that issued the document and the attached file. The document code is selected from the directory dAllDocuments_v02.xsd. Editing the current document from the list is carried out by the button .


On the page «Declarant» you must specify the declarant and fill the active fields for this declarant.

If information about the object of land management (territorial zone or the boundary of the territory) is provided on behalf of the declarant by his confidant, in the dialog you must set the flag «Agent».


In group «Agent» the mandatory requisites for filling are: surname, name, post, and also information about the document proving the identity.

Postal address - is an optional requisite for the declarant and the agent.

At filling the information on the address the mandatory requisite is the «Region Code» which is selected from the directory dRegionsRF_v01.xsd. The attributes characterising the address of object of land management are used in a complex at XML-document filling. For address attributes, for which the value type is provided, input of semantics should be conducted by pairs (for example: a name and type of city, street and type of street). In order to write down the address attribute into file XML, it is necessary to enter value of an address element (area, settlement, street, house, building, structure, apartment) and to specify the type. Types without values are not written into the files.

On «Bound» page the type of bounds changes is selected and the list of boundaries is formed by the button .


In section «Bound» the obligatory element for filling is «Name of object». For boundary between subjects of the RF it is necessary to form the list of related subjects of the Russian Federation in the table «Location of borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation», for boundary of municipality or border of town - to fill dialog the «Location of boundaries of municipality (settlement)» which is activated by pressing .

In dialog the «Bound» it is necessary to add the information about XML - file generated earlier in the task «Forming XML-document of a map (plan) of object land». Pressing the button «Map (plan)» opens the dialog for filling the data about the document - a map (plan). By the button it is necessary to choose XML-file, for example MapPlan_589D2D56-06BA-4bb1-83D5-7815DF0042A1.xml.


At the exit from the mode, the entered data is automatically saved in XML-file which name is specified on page «XML». Information about a file name is saved in the INI-file of an open map. At reopening the mode Territorial zones and areas with special conditions for use of territories - scheme ZoneToGKN information from the XML-file will be automatically read and displayed in corresponding elements of dialog.