Bulk download vegetation index matrixes for objects

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ic_0173 Dialog «Bulk download vegetation index matrixes for objects» allows you to execute downloading the various matrixes of vegetation indexes onto several contours of fields.


Dialog « Bulk download vegetation index matrixes for objects»:



Dialog consists of the field list with the description, elements of selection of matrixes being downloaded by various criteria and buttons for controlling the receiving process.

Four types of indexes are  available for download: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Chlorophyll Vegetation Index (CVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI). Date section allows to choose a time range for which the matrixes downloading must be executed, and in the Resolution section there is specified a range of allowed values of the spatial permission of available images in meters. Increasing the resolution requirements improves the quality of the downloaded data, but reduces the number of available images.

For saving onto the GIS Server there are required the presence of active connection in the main window of Panorama and the installed data directory on the GIS Server. The information on the obtained matrixes is recorded into the database for the further viewing through dialog «Browse remote sensing products».