Building a track inside object

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ic_0401 This mode is intended to create a trajectory for the movement of agricultural machinery across the field when performing various agricultural operations.

The user needs to select an areal object on the map, which is a field, and then set a line along which the ruts will be built. The line is set by specifying two arbitrary points on the map. For the correct construction of the trajectory, it is desirable that the selected areal object be convex.


Further it is necessary to choose a name of the map on which the trajectory of movement will be put and to specify a number of parameters:

- movement scheme;

- mode of constructing U-turn zone;

- overlapping of adjacent passages, cm;

- kinematic length of the machine-tractor unit, m;

- unit width, m;

- working width of the unit, m.


The working width of the unit must not be greater than the width of the unit.