Additional tools of editing

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Select all elements

All elements of the sign are selected. At the same time, a selection flag for all elements will appear in column 1.

Reset element selection

Disables selection of all sign elements. In this case, in column 1, the selection flag will disappear for all elements.

Move selected element forward

The selected element is moved one line down.

Move selected element to end

The selected element is moved to the last line. When drawing a sign, the element of the last line is drawn last (above all). When intersecting elements of the sign, the last element paints the previous intersecting elements of the sign.

Move selected element back

The selected element is moved one line up.

Move selected element to start

The selected element is moved to the top line. When drawing a sign, the element of the top line is drawn first (below all). When intersecting elements of the sign, the first element is painted over by the second and subsequent intersecting elements of the sign.

Copy selected elements

The selected elements are copied while preserving the view and coordinates of the original elements.

Delete selected elements

The selected items are deleted.