Screen (normal) and printer view of objects

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The classifier objects can have two types of display: a simplified screen (normal) view and a print output view.

Display bookmark is intended for adjusting the appearance of the object on the screen. Hardcopy bookmark is designed for adjusting the appearance of the object when outputting to print or displaying it on the screen in a printer-friendly (enhanced) format.

For displaying on the screen the object can be more simple. All measurements (line thickness, dash length, and so on) for a screen view of objects are deduced in pixels. To object view for print more demands are made. Accuracy of the sizes both signs and distances between them is necessary. All measurements are deduced in millimeters.

All sizes of the elements of conventional signs specified in the classifier operate at a display scale equal to the scale of the map in the passport. For example, if the map passport has a scale of 1: 5000, and the height of the title in the classifier is set to 2 mm on the map, then in this size the title will be displayed at a scale of 1: 5000.

View of objects represents a set of primitives (allowed for the chosen type). Primitives are drawing under one metrics (the first from below). Thus, for polygon object with a contour it is necessary to enter as the first primitive the area, then a line as a contour.

The top of the right part of bookmarks occupies a window in which primitives are displayed separately.

The first at the left primitive will be in the bottom at displaying. Press Add button to add the primitive. New primitive is added in the top. Its parameters are copied from parameters of the current primitive.

Press Delete button to delete the current primitive. Current primitive is marked by frame of blue color. For choice of the current primitive press its image by the left mouse button. If there are  more than three primitives in the window, a scroll bar appear in the window of primitives. The printer view can not coincides with the screen view. If Display bookmark is active, by pressing Copy button the screen view will be replaced onto printer view. If Hardcopy bookmark is active a printer view will be replaced onto screen view.

Under window of primitives the drop-down list for a choice or changes of the current primitive is located. Under the list of primitives the windows for parameters change of the current function or the Parameters button are located. At pressing this button the dialog for input of parameters for the  current primitive will open.

To change a place of the current primitive press it by the left mouse button and, not releasing the button, move this primitive onto a new place.

The basic actions with set of primitives set can be made with help of menu. Press the right  mouse button. Choose one of items: append, delete, higher, highest, lower, lowest.

Current primitive will be moved onto one place to the right or to the left, or will stand in the beginning or in the end of the object primitives list.

To change a view of current primitive, choose new primitive in the list. Then change parameters.


Editing of image for line objects.

Editing of image for polygon objects.

Editing of image for dot objects.

Symbols True Type.

Editing of fonts image.

Editing of image for vector objects.

Editing of image for mixed objects.

Scalability of object.

Choice of object's color.

User image of object.