Object intersection control

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clip0111 Dialog performs the operation of control of a relative positioning of objects of two classes. Objects of source classes are defined by two lists: list 1 - analyzed objects and list 2 - control objects. The control requirement is that the object from list 2 is fully in one of the objects from list 1. Thus, objects can have the common points of the metrics on border. Lists of objects of source classes must be prepared in advance by means of the mode «Lists of objects».




The result of the mode operation is the list of objects in list 2 that do not meet the control requirement.

To start calculations, you must select the lists of objects in the drop-down menus and click the «Calculate» button. Different lists should be selected. The results of the calculation of multiple overlays will be shown in the table. As the identification information, displayed in the field of the table «Object from the List 2», there is used the semantics selected in the drop-down list «Semantics for the list of objects 2». This list is formed from the list of semantics of the first object of list 2 (the first object of the map having the minimum number in the list of maps). If the semantics «Name» (code 9) is not found in the list of semantics, it is forcibly written into the end of the list. Into the field of the table with the name «Square», the area of objects from the list 2 is entered.

Tag «Clarify area» carries out information function and is not available for change, it duplicates the value of the tag «Precise square and length» from the «Options» section of the main menu of the program.

If the «Trace» check-box is used, while moving through the table, the map will be positioned on the object selected in the table, and this object will be highlighted on the map.