Distribution of object images by semantics

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Set objects style table is located in the left part of a bookmark below. In each cell of this table there is an image corresponding to values of semantics. For the first semantics these values (thresholds) are signed from above by horizontal line, for the second - in the left column.

Value by default for group by the given semantics is marked by dark blue color. Change of the image by default is made by pressing of the right mouse button onto the chosen image in the table.

If between thresholds there are some more values of semantics, then for all values the relation <= operates.

Example: semantics has three thresholds: 1, 4, 5.

Then the object will have style from 1 cell for values of semantics <=1, style from 2 cell for  values  > 1 and <=4 and accordingly style from 3 cell for values <= 5.

At two semantics of the group, the corresponding style of object stands on crossing of the chosen thresholds (values of semantics).

Above the Objects image table the toolbar for assignment of thresholds of group and assignment of style to concrete combinations of semantics is located.


Fill in a cell of group.

ic_845 Mark a cell in the Objects image table table by pressing of the left mouse button. Fill in a cell of group button places into this cell the marked object from the table of objects group. If semantics values of map object get in the specified interval of thresholds, the object will have such style.

Some cells of the Objects image table table can be filled with one object, but all entered objects of group should be used and all cells should be filled.


Replace semantics.

ic_846 Semantics, which thresholds are located along horizontal line, is interchanged the position with semantics which thresholds are located by a vertical line. If semantics is the only, the button is inaccessible.


Delete column.

ic_847 The threshold on the first semantics is deleted. The deleted threshold is selected of the emerging list of thresholds.


Add column.

ic_848 The threshold on the first semantics is added. The added threshold is selected of the list of semantics values or is entered, if semantics is numerical.


Delete line.

ic_849 The threshold on second semantics is deleted. The deleted threshold is selected of the emerging list of thresholds.


Add line.

ic_850 The threshold on second semantics is added. The added threshold is selected of the list of semantics values or is entered, if semantics is numerical.