Source data |
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All source data are shared onto obligatory parameters and non-obligatory additional parameters. At absence even one of obligatory parameters the execution of transformation is impossible. At absence of any of non-obligatory additional parameters or all of them the transformation of a photo is possible, and use of non-obligatory additional parameters leads to increase of accuracy of created orthophotomap, therefore at their presence it is strongly recommended to use them. Focus. Obligatory parameter. Sets a focal length of camera in millimeters. Type of survey. Obligatory parameter. The central, slot, panoramic space photos, and also aerial photos are processed. Scale of photo. Obligatory parameter. The scale of a photo is the relation of height of photographing (in mm) to the focus (in mm). The any scale can be initially set, however during transformation the size of scale of the source and transformed photos will be changed up to real size. Control points. Obligatory parameter. Coordinates of control points are set in Gauss-Kruger rectangular system of coordinates as a text file of CAT format. Admission. Obligatory parameter. Defines admissible deviation of the calculated coordinates of control points from source values and it is used for rejection of control points. It is set in meters, equal to accuracy of reception of source coordinates of control points. Resolution of a photo. Obligatory parameter. Defines resolution of a photo. It is used to set the scanning accuracy of a photo. The line onto millimeter or in meters is set in unit of measurement. These units are connected by ratio RM = M/(2*RL*1000), where M - scale of a photo, RL - resolution of a photo in line onto millimeter, RM - resolution of a photo in meters. Direction of flight of the flying vehicle concerning a photo. Obligatory parameter. It is used at measurement of labels of a photo. Accuracy of scanning. Obligatory parameter. Accuracy of scanning is defined in microns and used at scanning analog pictures. For this purpose it is necessary to use the resolution of a photo and its scale. Accuracy of scanning is defined by approximate formula TS = (1000000 * RM) / M, where TS - accuracy of scanning (micron), RM - resolution of a photo (in м), M - scale of a photo or by other approximate formula TS = 1000 / (2 * RL), where RL - resolution of a photo in lines onto millimeter. If accuracy of scanning will be overestimated in relation to resolution of a photo, the volume of the scanned photo (in Mbytes) will be unfairly great. If accuracy of scanning will be understated in relation to the resolution of a photo there will be a loss of the photometric information and decreasing of the accuracy of a created orthophotomap. Resolution of raster. Obligatory parameter. It is defined automatically at scanning analog pictures and depends on accuracy of scanning. Units of measurements are: points onto meter or points onto inch. For definition of the raster resolution in points onto meter (p/m) it is necessary to divide 1000000 onto accuracy of scanning (in micron). For definition of resolution in points onto inch (p/i). It is necessary to divide 25400 onto accuracy of scanning (in a micron). Usually the size of a raster resolution is automatically recorded into a file of raster at scanning and does not demand correction. Height of photographing. Non-obligatory additional parameter. It is used to set the source approximation of height of photographing. It is set in kilometers. If the height of photographing is unknown, its source value is calculated automatically. During transformation the final value of height of photographing will be calculated. Coordinates of the main point. Non-obligatory additional parameter. They are set in millimeters on an axis of abscissas and ordinates. At absence of coordinates they will be automatically set as zero. Distortion of the camera objective. Non-obligatory additional parameter. At absence it is automatically set as zero. Characterizes a degree of distortion of the facsimile by lens of the camera. It is created beforehand as a text file of DST format before transformation of source raster. Central cross (label). Non-obligatory additional parameter. It is used at measurement of labels of photos of the central projection and aerial photographs in case it is put on a photo. In this case the center of coordinates system of a photo defines location of the central cross. Displacement. Non-obligatory additional parameter. Sets the displacement in millimeters of the coordinates beginning of system of a photo on an axis of abscissas concerning the central cross or, at absence of the central cross, concerning the beginning of coordinate, calculated by labels. It is used to set manually the beginning of coordinates for panoramic photos of the big sizes on an axis of abscissas.