Connected file |
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The connected file is created at a stage of transformation of a single photo automatically. Extension of a file - *.con, a name of a file is association of a name of the current raster and a text constant ".rsw". The file is text file and has the following structure:
.CON .SOURCE RSW_IN <name1> PSN_IN <name2> CAT_IN <name3> RSW_TR <name4> FCT_TR <name5> SIT_TR <name6> KTF_COUNT <n> Ktf1 … Ktfn UEVO_COUNT <m> Uevo1 … Uevom CAT_TR_POINTS <k> N1 XF1 YF1 XV1 YV1 H1 P1 ……………………………….. Nk XFk YFk XVk YVk Hk Pk FRAME <p> X1 Y1 …….. Xp Yp .VARIABLE NUMBER_RSW_TR <key > NUMBER_SOSED <s> NameS1 ………. NameSs CON_POINTS <c> N1 XF1 YF1 ……………. Nc XFc YFc .END
где .CON - descriptor of a file, a text constant; .SOURCE - descriptor of the block, a text constant, designates the beginning of the block of source data received at single transformation of a photo; RSW_IN <name1> - <name1> – full filename of the source raster; PSN_IN <name2> - <name2> - full filename of parameters of the source raster; CAT_IN <name3> - <name3> - full filename of a source support; RSW_TR <name4> - <name4> – full filename of the transformed raster; FCT_TR <name5> - <name5> - full name of a text file of coordinates of the calculated support, contains only the points participating in calculation of elements of external orientation (EEO), (without rejected); SIT_TR <name6> - <name6> - full name of the user map with the drawn calculated coordinates of a support, contains only the points participating in calculation of EEO, (without rejected); KTF_COUNT <n> - <n> – number of elements of photographing's points coordinates (PPC). Can be either 3, or 6. Further there is a line with <n> elements of PPC. First three elements of coordinate of PPC are in coordinates system (CS) of Gauss-Kruger, other three elements (if there are) are speeds of change of PPC in radians and meters (for height); UEVO_COUNT <m> - <m> – number of elements of angular elements of external orientation (AEEO). Can be either 3, or 6. Further there is a line with <m> elements of AEEO. First three elements of coordinate of AEEO in geocentric CS in DDDMMSS.SS format, other three elements (if they are) speeds of change of AEEO in radians; CAT_TR_POINTS <k> - <k> - number of points of the support participating in calculation of EEO (without rejected points); Further they are <k> lines. The line contains 7 values: number of support point, its initial and calculated planned coordinates, height in CS of Gauss - Kruger, an attribute of a point; FRAME <p> - <p> - number of border's points of source raster (RSW_IN), it is necessary for processing a raster in photogrammetric mode. .VARIABLE - descriptor of the block, a text constant, designates beginning of the block of updated data received during measurements for the report of a raster. All aforementioned options are filled at a stage of creation of a connected file at transformation of a single photo. The further options and their values are created / are changed / are supplemented at measurement of connected points of a raster. NUMBER_RSW_TR <key> - <key> - unique number of a raster in region beginning from 1, is set by operator by instruction of region editor at initial measurement of the connecting points of a raster. At repeated measurement of the connecting points the number is deduced into dialogue of the task. Unique number is necessary for calculation of transformed number of the connecting pointsfor their unmiscibility in different connected files.
NUMBER_SOSED <s> - <s> - number of neighbours of a raster, with which the averaging of the connecting points was carried out. Further there are <s> lines with full names of connected files of rasters neibour with the given raster. They are created at the first measurement of border of rasters. Are necessary for the control of measurement of border. CON_POINTS <c> - <c> - number of the connecting points which were measured on RSW_TR raster. Further there are <c> lines. The line contains three values: number of the connecting points and its measured planned coordinates. .END - descriptor of the end of a file, a text constant. Example of a connected file:
.CON .SOURCE RSW_IN D:\Data\V.7.x\Photorto\3175zerk.rsw PSN_IN D:\Data\V.7.x\Photorto\3175zerk.psn CAT_IN D:\Data\V.7.x\Photorto\3175New.CAT RSW_TR D:\Data\V.7.x\Photocon\3175zerktr1.rsw FCT_TR D:\Data\V.7.x\Photocon\3175zerktr1.rsw.fct SIT_TR D:\Data\V.7.x\Photocon\3175zerktr1.rsw.sit KTF_COUNT 3 4226894.725744 4708599.055404 293234.582756 UEVO_COUNT 3 374826.902831 114234.075699 -901721.385765 CAT_TR_POINTS 18 93 4209313.000 4760341.000 4209317.257 4760332.789 110.000 94 4210165.000 4735384.000 4210161.371 4735387.524 40.000 99 4247273.000 4740893.000 4247258.244 4740884.382 10.000 168 4209575.000 4752072.000 4209579.792 4752049.220 158.000 186 4228868.000 4756321.000 4228903.199 4756318.049 110.000 192 4223291.000 4751441.000 4223294.240 4751469.862 400.000 209 4216538.000 4753937.000 4216524.350 4753965.326 420.000 214 4212278.000 4743438.000 4212277.546 4743438.120 200.000 215 4212891.000 4747942.000 4212892.266 4747930.203 200.000 219 4215924.000 4761326.000 4215915.383 4761325.810 157.000 220 4212626.000 4760070.000 4212632.793 4760064.323 80.000 FRAME 4 4235717.592 4736634.483 4236420.942 4736634.483 4236420.942 4737366.488 4235717.592 4737366.488 .VARIABLE NUMBER_RSW_TR 1 NUMBER_SOSED 1 D:\Data\V.7.x\Photocon\3175zerktr2.rsw CON_POINTS 3 100001 4210032.345 4735344.744 100002 4209873.315 4735265.229 100003 4209611.860 4735273.315 .END