Error messages and warnings

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Warning messages and reciprocal actions.

- Source and output files must be different - change a name of an output raster.

- Do you want to break? It is possible to interrupt process of transformation and exit the task, and it is possible to continue work.

- Rough mismatch of measured and real raster dimensions: output raster will be ... than source raster. Change the scale? - if to change the scale the sizes of the source raster will change, and the volume of a new raster will be not so strongly differ from volume of the source one. Thus a recalculation of position of labels in view of new scale will be done. Measurement of control points should be executed anew.

- It is not catalog or - There are no real coordinates in catalog - a mistake of a file structure of the catalogue of theoretical coordinates (*.CAT) - check on, whether the needed file is chosen, in case of a mistake to correct a file and to start the Transformation of a photo task anew.

- Text file creating error or - User map creating error - processing of a raster will be continued, but these files will not be created.

- Matrix is out of region. Continue? - the warning as the any system of coordinates of source region and real system of coordinates of a relief matrix usually do not coincide.

- Matrix don't cover all region. Result may be incorrect - the warning of possible result.

- Open error of trans.log file - error of a results file  creation of calculation EEO for transformation of a photo. The filename of results is formed of trans word and number of a photo (for example, trans104.log or trans1841.log).

- Source data for raster transforming are not correct - it is necessary to check up the source data: the error is possible at the indication of actual position of control points, or incorrect scale the source raster, or actual coordinates of points are taken not from needed file *.fct or *.sit, or the not needed raster is opened simply.

- Accuracy of EEO - ... m. Waited accuracy of orthophotomap  - ... m. Do you want to continue? - results of precomputation on the chosen set of control points - it is possible to continue processing on this set or to choose new.

- Accuracy of EEO - ... m - is more than permitted value ... m - the found elements of external orientation will not allow correctly to transform a raster;  it is probably that the focal length is incorrectly specified, or there are mistakes in other initial data.

- Elements of exterior orientation are not found - more detailed information is in the trans.log file, which is created in the current directory during processing.

- To create file ... it is necessary ... K. It is available ... K. Do you want to continue? - checking of a space on a disk: if it is not enough space, and processing will be continued, only the part of a new raster (that will be placed) will be written down onto disk.


Error messages after which the program finishes the work:

- Target raster creating error.

- Shady value of coordinates. It is possible that coordinate type is wrong - structure error of coordinates file.

- Transference from geodetic coordinates to rectangular is not supported.

- Too few points for transforming.