Work region creation

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Usually Nomenclature sheets of digital map in are stored separately, but in many cases it is necessary to combine them to large Work regions. The simplest way to create Work region from separate sheets (SXF format) is to write simple text DIR file(detailed rules of its creation are described in documentation) as follows:






where DIR is mandatory keyword, 200t.rsc - is a name of file-classifier, n3704.sxf, n3705.sxf and n3706.sxf - initial loaded files . Loaded SXF files can represent map sheets corresponding to different 6 degrees zones. As a result of combining, all coordinates will be recalculated to the coordinate system of the 1st map sheet zone.

If digital map consists of more than 1 sheet you should use File menu to add new sheet. (See Upgrading map section.) Besides, new empty sheet may be added in Editing passport mode.