Transformation of raster on a framework of nomenclature sheet of a map |
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The mode is intended for transformation of the raster image by a framework of a map nomenclature sheet. Transformation of a raster can be performed by corner points of a framework of a nomenclature sheet and by corner points of a framework taking into account points of a framework deflection.
The choice of a transformed raster is made from the drop-down list «Name of the file of a source raster». Automatically positioning the document in a window is carried out so that the processed raster was in the center of a window. If in the document several rasters are added, the displaying other rasters is off. After completing the process of transformation the displaying other rasters is enabled with using a degree of the transparency chosen from the drop-down list «Degree of view of raster map». For an execution of transformation it is necessary to specify points on a raster, corresponding to the framework corners (to corners of a border and points of a deflection (radio-button "all points of sheet border" in Mode group) of the map nomenclature sheet. Selection of points of the raster, corresponding to the corners of a framework of a map nomenclature sheet, is made by pressing the button «Indicate points». Button «Monitoring» opens an information window with results of measurements. The button becomes active after a choice of real coordinates, i.e. after the indicating the points of the raster corresponding to the framework corners of a map nomenclature sheet. The frame of the map nomenclature sheet of a map is selected from the list «Framework of a nomenclature sheet from a map». The processed framework is highlighted on the map by red color. Group «Degree of view of raster map» is intended to set a transparency degree of the rasters which are a part of the document, except for a target raster, after completion of the mode «Transforming a raster on a framework of a nomenclature sheet of a map». After completing the process of transformation the target raster is added into the window of document. |