Concordant smoothing

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ic_8407 The mode Concordant smoothing is intended for a spline smoothing of the chosen object (or several marked objects) with preservation of the common points with neighboring objects. At smoothing the changed contour is repeated on all neighboring objects, having with it the common contour. As a result of concordant smoothing the topological links are saved that allows to exclude the manual reconciliation of the common parts of the smoothed object with its neighbors.

If before running the mode you select several objects, smoothing will be performed consistently for all selected objects.

At performing the smoothing there are used the following parameters which are customized in dialog «Map Editor Options»:

- Join tolerance which is used for search of the common vertexes of smoothed object with neighbors (recommended value - 0.1 meter);

- spline: vertex in spline defines how many vertexes are added into each piece of smoothed object. The more the value, the smoother will be object after smoothing (recommended value - 10);

- spline: spline order defines how much smoothed piece can depart from an initial piece in percentage of its length (recommended value - 20).

- Filtering level is used for defining a filtration level of the metrics of the smoothed object (0.005 mm on a map are recommended).


As a result of smoothing the number of vertexes in the smoothed object and its neighbors considerably increases, therefore after smoothing the filtering and adjusting of the smoothed object is automatically carried out.