Create objects from file of catalog of coordinates
The mode is intended for creation on a map of dot objects according to the information from the table of the database having certain structure of fields (the catalog of coordinates). In order that objects have been created, in the table there should be the following fields: NAM - a point name, X - X coordinate, Y - Y coordinate, H - Н coordinate, KLASS - a class of a point, INFORM - the information. Tables with the specified structure of fields are created and used in the task «Execution of geodetic calculations» . After a choice of the given mode in dialog the user specifies a name of a file of catalogue of coordinates. Creation of objects is made. If record does not contain the information even about one coordinate (X or Y) for such record the object is not created. If there is no information on height then Н coordinate and semantics "absolute height" is not formed. At creation of objects the parameters of settings of "Geodesy editor» are used: Code of created dot object and attribute of inquiry of a code before creation. If the attribute is set, before each creation the dialogue for a choice of type of created dot object is called.