Example of data input into the table for construction of a theodolitic course |
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Cells of the table for input of the information are illuminated. Other cells for input of the information are blocked. Data for control points are marked by red color. After calculation the calculated amendments also are marked by red color.
To enter and edit coordinates of control points it is possible both in Coordinate cells of the general table, and in windows of editing ОП1, ОП2, ОП3 and ОП4. Into the table these values are placed automatically. The moving along the table by pressing Enter key can be regulated by means of a toolbar buttons:
Recommended sequence of operations execution: - Into Name of a point column of the table "Construction of a theodolitic course" to enter names of tops of a course (it is desirable that they were individual for each point, since coordinates of a point with the same name in the catalogue of coordinates are rewritten by the calculated coordinates); - Into Direction angle column of the table "Construction of a theodolitic course" to enter direction angles of the initial and final sides of a course (cells are illuminated).
It is possible to not do it provided that coordinates of control points will be entered and these angles will be calculated during calculations. In account of a theodolitic course all directions of lines are defined in a direction of a theodolitic course, namely: the beginning of a line is located in a point, data onto which are entered by the first, and the end of a line - in the subsequent point. Therefore direction angles of initial (starting) directions in calculation of a theodolitic course are defined onto a point of standing. For the device focused onto the north, a direction angle of initial (starting) directions is equal 180 degrees. - Into tables columns "X" and "Y" to enter X and Y coordinates of initial and of a terminal point of a course (if they have not been entered earlier in windows of editing ОП1, ОП2, ОП3 and ОП4); - Into Measured angles column of the table to enter the measured right or left angles on a course and to specify a corresponding attribute of the entered angles; - Into the table column: Measure of lines or Distance to enter horizontal distance between points of a theodolitic course (cells are illuminated) of measured lines of a course; - Into AngleVer column it is possible to enter values of zenithal distances, but necessarily before calculation to transform them to values of a vertical angle. For transformation it is necessary to call the contextual menu by the right mouse button and to choose a line "Zenithal distance <-> a vertical angle".
Actual change of data in cells occurs only after new record is chosen (moving by arrows, tabulation, click by the mouse, etc.) To execute calculation, having chosen item of the menu Measurement \ Calculate or having pressed Calculate toolbar button. Calculations make by formulas.
Notes: - If in TEO at calculation there is no direction angle in the beginning of a course the angle is calculated by coordinates of both points. In case there are also no coordinates for these points the calculations will be stopped. (Exception - a course with a coordinate binding (or Link course)). - For the coordinates having zero value, it is necessary to enter this value into corresponding fields of the table. - If in TEO at calculation there is no direction angle in the end of a course the angle is calculated by coordinates of both points. In case there are also no coordinates for these points the calculations are made without taking into account of discrepancies, if thus the type of a course is set: Adjoin course, Free or Link course, differently calculations will be stopped. - At deleting of points from the table (the contextual menu by the right button) those lines are deleted where there is a cursor (the cursor should stand at the line, specifying a name of a point). Numbering of points will be rewritten. Similarly occurs and to an insert of lines, thus additional lines are inserted before line, where there is a cursor, in case the cursor is situated on line between names of points also the insert will done between these points. - Input of points can be carried out from a database (if it is present) by point name as follows: to enter a name of a point into a corresponding column, to press the right mouse button (the cursor should specify a line where to carry out input) and from the contextual menu to choose item Insert from catalogue.
By Copy in catalogue item of the contextual menu it is possible to write down the calculated point into a database, thus the cursor should stand at line with data on this point. Input of several theodolitic courses is stipulated for the given program. At data input for other theodolitic course it is necessary to pass to a bookmark of this course (if it is present). If the bookmark is not created yet, to create it, it is necessary to increase quantity of theodolitic courses and to pass to the necessary course, (having clicked on heading of the bookmark of a corresponding course). Also the initial data it is possible to receive and enter by using library “GeoLoad.dll” (Import item in the File menu or Import toolbar button).