Creation of project of the information's control

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For creation of project of the information's control it is necessary to execute following operations:

Creation of the project without use of existing projects and schemes.

- Press the Add a map button.

- Choose a name of region and enter a name of the scheme in Choose a map dialog.

- Press the Install button.

- Press the Add the control button.

- In Choose the control dialog choose type of the control, enter the name of the control (if it is necessary) and parameters of the control.

- Press the Install button.

- Repeat addition of the control for next types of the control.

Creation of the project with use of existing projects.

- Press the Load project button.

- Choose a file of the project, which needs to be processed. If in the project the maps for the control have already been chosen, the chosen project will be added into the end of the work project.

Creation of the project with use of existing schemes.

- Press the Add a map button.

- Choose a region name and enter a name of the scheme in Choose a map dialog.

- Press the Install button.

- Press the Load scheme button.

- In Choose scheme of processing dialog choose a file with schemes of processing.

- Choose the scheme of processing or some schemes.

- Press the Install button.

- Repeat a choice of the scheme of processing.