Control of the current raster


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It is used for the analysis of measurements completeness of raster borders and check of readiness of the current raster to transformation.

As a result of the control the following messages can appear:

- «It is impossible to select neibour raster name»

- «The borders of raster <a name of the current raster> are not measured»

- «ERROR : Unique numbers of rasters <a name of the current raster> and <a name of a neibour raster> are equal»

- «The connecting points of neibour raster <a name of neibour raster> are not measured»

- «Not all connecting points of neibour raster <a name of neibour raster> are measured»

- «Not all connecting points of current raster <a name of the current raster> are measured»

At presence of one of these messages Ok button remains inaccessible.

If as a result of the control there is a message:

- «The connecting points of raster <a name of raster> are measured, raster is ready» it is possible to start process of the report of the current raster by pressing of the Ok button.