Raster mapping conditions


For change the raster mapping saturation select one mode from Pop-up menu of Raster List dialogue:

- Visibility \ Fill;

- Visibility \ Deep;

- Visibility \ Translucent;

- Visibility \ Middle;

- Visibility \ Transparent;

- Visibility  \ None.

The disconnecting of a raster visibility is fulfilled by the following operations:

- Open the Raster List dialogue (View \ Raster List);

- By pressing Properties button or by the right mouse button to actuate Pop-up menu;

- Choose the mode Visibility  \ None of the Pop-up menu.

For inclusion a raster mapping - to select the mode Visibility \ Fill.

For installation the sequence of mapping the raster map and the other maps Over Map mode from the Pop-up menu of the Raster List dialogue will be used:

The mapping of a raster atop of vector, matrix or other raster map is fulfilled by the following operations:

- Open the Raster List dialogue (View \ Raster List);

- By pressing Properties button or by the right mouse button to actuate Pop-up menu;

- Choose Over Map mode of the Pop-up menu.

For mapping a raster under vector, matrix or other raster map to fulfil the same sequence of operations.

If necessary you can limit a visible part of a raster  to an arbitrary form outline. Use modes Pop-up menu of the dialogue Raster List:

- Extract  \ Manually;

- Extract  \ Map object.