Joining of neighboring objects vertexes

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ic_8309 Use this mode (it is in Topology subpanel) to join all dots of all map objects by the indicated standard vertex of selected object. These vertexes must be arranged not further of join tolerance (indicated in Map Editor options) from an standard vertex.

Those objects are subjected to processing which are visible on a screen, i.e. objects which are established in objects list of View contents.

To join vertexes you should select map object and indicate its vertex to be joined.

The indicated vertex of selected object does not change the coordinates, and its coordinates are assigned for all vertexes of other objects, which one fall in radius conforming to a join tolerance.

After joining of the indicated vertex the object remains selected and it is possible to go on to the joining of the next point.

Completion of objects joining is completion of executed operation or Cancellation of operations.