Line length for two points

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ic_0248 The given mode allows to calculate a line length (horizontal, inclined, along a relief) constructed by the operator. Building of a line is made by a choice of two reference points at  the left mouse button click.

The result is displayed as the diagram: the profile of a line on a matrix of heights and an inclined line in view of heights in initial and final points are building.

Numerical values of a line length are displayed in the appropriate windows.

In Height windows values of heights in initial, final and current points will be worn out.

The relation of a heights difference in initial and final points to length and the ir ratio in promile  is specified in modes Height: length.

There is an opportunity to rise / lower initial and final points in the given task, for this purpose it  is necessary to enter numerical values into the appropriate field Relative height.

By pressing the Save as button preservation of the image is carried out in WMF, EMF files.