Binding of a south-west corner of a raster (Place raster by angle)

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ic_0303 The mode is intended for a binding of a raster on a map. Preliminary the raster should be added into the document of vector (raster, matrix) map.        

At inclusion of a mode: Place raster by angle the raster moves on the document behind the. A south-west corner of a raster corresponds to mouse cursor. It is necessary to choose a new position of a south-west corner of a raster on a map and to click by the left mouse button.

Ways of activation of Place raster by angle mode:

1. In dialog Raster (Data List of map) (View\Rasters list) it is necessary to choose a raster which placing is necessary for changing. Then to press the Properties button and in the appeared menu to choose Place by angle item.

2. In Working with raster (Tools\Raster Editor) to set as the current raster the raster which place is necessary for changing, by means of modes: Select raster, Select next raster, Select previous raster. Further, to open the auxiliary panel Work with raster by pressing the same button on Raster Editor panel and to choose the button: Place raster by angle.