Examples of Lua scripts

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-- Simple examples (one script can prepare multiple values of  ​​semantics):

-- Multiply the area of ​​the object at the height from the semantics field with the code 1 and save the value of one to the semantics field with code 10

-- (code depends on the map classifier)



value = getSquare() * getCodeSem(1)

setCodeSem(10, value)


-- If the value of semantics field with code 11 is set, the multiply the object length by the width from semantics field with code 11 and save the

-- value in the semantics field with the code 12 (code depends on the classifier maps)
-- For example, to determine the square of road ​​coverage


if getCodeSem(11, -1) ~= -1 then

 value = getLength() * getCodeSem(11)

 setCodeSem(12, value)



-- Make a string from semantics field 9 and the layer name and save to the semantics field with code 345. If semantics field 9 not, write the

-- value "No name"


value = getCodeSemStr(9, "No name").." - "..getLayerName()

setCodeSem(345, value);



-- Example of script to collect statistics for selected objects and save the report to a text file
-- Includes three functions with the required names Start (), DoObject () and Stop ()
-- Function Start () and Stop () are useful for creating variables and store the result

-- of calculations, function DoObject () is called on each object
-- If the function Start () or DoObject () is not in the script, the entire text of the script is main function as the previous example
-- Function Stop () may be present in any case, and called after the processing of all selected objects, if it is in the script



-- Function Start () is called when opening the script to initialize global variables

function Start()

TypeA = 0

TypeB = 0

TypeC = 0

Total = 0;

File  = io.open("c:\\Report.txt", "w")



-- Function Stop () is called before the closing script to summarize the findings and report generation


function Stop()

s = "Processed objects count is "..Total.."\n\r"


p = 100 * TypeA / Total

s = "Objects count for type A is "..TypeA.."\t percentage is "..p.."\n\r"


p = 100 * TypeB / Total

s = " Objects count for type B is "..TypeB.."\t percentage is "..p.."\n\r"


p = 100 * TypeC / Total

s = " Objects count for type C is "..TypeC.."\t percentage is "..p.."\n\r"






-- Statistics collection is performed in the function DoObject (), if the script contains a function Start ()

function DoObject()

if getCodeSem(4) < 100 then TypeA = TypeA + 1;

 elseif getCodeSem(4) < 200 then TypeB = TypeB + 1;

  else TypeC = TypeC + 1; end

Total = Total + 1




-- Example script to update the text and the semantics of the caption text



-- Request value of semantics field with code 9 "own name"

sem = getCodeSemStr(9, -1)

if sem ~= -1



-- Replace the string "abc." to "abcdef" in semantics

if string.find(sem, "abc.") and string.len(sem) == 4 then

setCodeSem(9, "abcdef")




-- Is type of object label?

if getLocal() ~= 3 then




text = getText(0);


-- Replace the string "abc." to "abcdef" in label

if string.find(text, " abc.") and string.len(text) == 4 then

setText(0, "abcdef")




-- Example of a script for formation of text semantics in the form of a part of a line of other semantics


sem = getCodeSemStr(9, -1)

if sem ~= -1


-- Replace the string "38:13:000106:1708" onto ":1708"

size = string.len(sem)

if size > 13 then

 val = string.sub(sem, 13)

 setCodeSem(1111, val)

