DB Date/Time

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DB Date/time does possible processing of values of dates and time. This component represents the auxiliary means serving for input of values of dates and time. With its help it is possible to change value of time or directly, or by means of buttons with arrows.

For a choice of date at use of a component the falling calendar can be used. Having clicked the left mouse button on the name of month, you make active the list of months. For change of year - click the left mouse button on value of year.



Properties of a component are: Time, Height, Date, Enabled, Max Date, Min Date, Dataset name, Name, Top, Left, Tab stop, Tab order, Format, Data field name, Kind, Color, Width, Font.

Kind - defines for what the component serves: for input of date or a choice of date, or time.

Date - property contains date, which the user has specified in an input field of a component. By default this property has the system current date.

Time - property contains time, which the user has specified in an input field of a component. By default this is the current system time.

Format - establishes a format of displaying of date in a component-calendar.

In the table the possible values of property are shown:





Displays a number of months without zero in left position (1-31)


Displays a number of months with zero in left position (01-31)


Displays a day of week according to the abbreviated names (Mon, Tue, Wed.)


Displays a day of week according to full names


Displays an hour as number without zero in left position (0-12) in a 12-hour scale.


Displays an hour as number with zero in left position (00-12) in a 12-hour scale.


Displays an hour as number without zero in left position (0-24) in a 24-hour scale.


Displays an hour as number with zero in left position (00-24) in a 24-hour scale.


Displays a month as number without zero in left position (1-12)


Displays a month as number with zero in left position (01-12)


Displays a month according to full names


Displays a year in two figures


Displays a year in four figures


For example, if to set a format of kind MMM dd, yyyy then in a field of input of a component date will be displayed: May 25, 2006.

Max. Date, Min. Date - establishes restrictions of date values at editing.

Enabled - property allows/forbids to make changes in a field of input of a component.

Tab stop - property allows/forbids to carry out transition to a component by "Tab" key.

Tab order - sets a serial number of a component at detour of a component by "Tab" key.